Hidden Falls

  Paul MacNeil
  AC Missias
  Mark Alan Osterhaus

hidden falls --
the heron also
soaking his feet
1 (acm)
the day's sand empties
from a child's swimsuit
2 (pwm)
husking roasted corn
the last glimpses
of a torrid sun
3 (mao)
two graham crackers
flatten the marshmallow
4 (acm)
new coolness
the veranda rockers
filled with moonlight
5 (pwm)
the truck farmer's words
linger in frozen breath
6 (mao)
the angry slam
of the front hall door
brings in a late leaf
7 (acm)
lifting the heavy end
of her mother's sealed coffin
8 (mao)
a dented Corvette
at the roadside
one raised headlight
9 (pwm)
the policeman's beam
catches a bared knee
10 (acm)
anniversary bouquet
one drop of bleach
clears the vase
11 (mao)
a soft-laughter kiss
tickles my beard
12 (pwm)
pulling on
an extra sweater
the smell of damp wool
13 (acm)
after the blizzard
a planet brushes the moon
14 (mao)
the sermon's "amen!"
organ chords introduce
a hymn
15 (pwm)
breakfast interrupted
by a subpoena
16 (acm)
crabapple buds
quiet thunder
17 (mao)
four baby skunks
waddle in single file
18 (pwm)
spring wind
across the picnic table
catches a paper plate
19 (acm)
Old Faithful
suddenly right on time
20 (pwm)
fitting her hand in mine
waves in and out
of the rocks
21 (mao)
she mends the hole
in his favorite shirt
22 (acm)
dry cedar chips
scattered in deep shade
a woodpecker tree
23 (pwm)
erratic ants forage
the cracked earth
24 (mao)
office fridge
again my soda
goes missing
25 (acm)
a gas bubble
pops the pond scum
26 (pwm)
a bobbing balloon
the birthday boy
27 (mao)
the cat's head turns sharply
toward the deep grass
28 (acm)
steps quicken
in the early darkness
a pointed moon
29 (pwm)
pruning back a rose
a hint of blood stains the vine
30 (mao)
October rains
the pregnancy test
returns negative
31 (acm)
with a bite of swiss on rye
he plays the trump card
32 (mao)
long diagonal
for the black bishop
a slight smile
33 (pwm)
at sight of the park
the leash pulls taut
34 (acm)
the purple lilacs
beyond the neighbor's view
35 (mao)
masts of a tall-ship
above the harbor haze
36 (pwm)


Started: 1/21/99
Finished: 5/10/99